HRS won the contract under tradition tender procurement. Strong relationships were developed with fire services and volunteer brigade throughout the project with HRS exploring solutions and responding well to questions and suggestions
HRS managed large variation in civil works due to unstable ground, artefact discoveries, contaminated soil and new drainage lines. Significant communication was required with the civil engineer and archaeologist. An extension of time was awarded for additional earthworks and a new retaining wall. HRS made changes to the original methodology that allowed for the building to continue while site works and ground remediation continued in the hard stand areas.
Key stakeholders (Architect and Client) were remote from site, requiring strong communication and relationships to be established and paramount to avoiding any delays for requests for information. Weekly reports kept stakeholders informed of project status. Local stakeholders (neighbours and fire brigade volunteers), where kept informed via regular project updates.
Constant forecasting and planning were required to ensure the site was safe and well contained overnight and weekends as wind was an issue at times.
Programme: Achieved with agreed extension of time.
Health & Safety: Nil major incidents, site received good internal H&S audit scores consistently through the project.
Budget: Extended with agreed variations.